+65 6850 5499 sales@servbridgeinc.com

Get Ahead of Your Competitors with Our Range of Products and Services

    Our dedicated solution team is here to support. Let us know your requirements and we will call you back as soon as we can.

    TECHNICAL REQUEST INFORMATION (Please fill up as much information as possible based on your technical request for us to better support you.)

    What solution(s) are you looking for?

    [checkbox what-solutions use_label_element "Network Infrastructure Refresh" "Wired Network Solutions" "Wireless Network (WIFI access)" "Network Management" "Network Security" "Servers & Storage" "Cloud Communications " "Cybersecurity" "Firewall Solutions" "IP Telephony" "5G Infrastructure and Security" "Internet Of Things (IoT)" "Server or Network Virtualization" "Network Management and Security" id:cb]

    The world today is affected by a high demand and low supply of many devices, due to the global chipset challenges. According to Gartner. this situation affects a lot of IT equipment such as network switches, wireless APs, servers, laptops, etc, and is expected to persist until Q2 2022 at least.

    The good news is we can help.

    Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise offers a series of networking equipment still with healthy lead times and we are offering short turnarounds to help you work out a solution based on your current network requirements. Do drop us your requirements in the Contact Form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Let us help you with your current infrastructure with the following products and services from ServBridge

    • Networking solutions
    • Servers & Storage
    • Cloud Communications
    • Cybersecurity
    • Firewall
    • Wired & Wireless Lan Access
    • IP Telephony
    • 5G Infrastructure and Security
    • Network Management and Security
    • Internet Of Things (IOT)
    • Virtualization


    Trade in your used equipment when you purchase your next generation of IT solutions. Contact us now with your list of equipment for a quick evaluation.


    Please fill in the form below to download the Brochure now!


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