Case Study: AI-Powered ESG Solutions for Intelligent Charging Infrastructure
Overview The intelligent solution combines state-of-the-art charging equipment, a cloud platform, an app, and applet for comprehensive parking space management at charging...
Case Study: AI-Enabled Virtual Power Plant
Connecting to 18,000 electric vehicle (EV) charging stations to the city’s energy grid, this innovative project addressed the challenges of uneven electricity distribution and...
AI Integration on Smart Building & Smart Office
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to advance, the integration of AI and Machine Learning (ML) technologies into Smart Buildings and Smart Offices is revolutionizing the...
Our Solution on Smart Building & Smart Office
At ServBridge Incorporated Pte Ltd, we are dedicated to empowering businesses to embrace the future of work through our comprehensive Smart Building and Smart Office solutions....
What is Smart Office
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, companies are constantly seeking innovative ways to enhance productivity, optimize resources, and improve the overall work...
What is Smart Building
A smart building is a structure that uses advanced technologies and integrated systems to optimize its functionality and enhance the user experience. These buildings are designed...
IT Budgetary and Priorities Outlook for 2021
As IT planning for 2021 begins, many organizations are witnessing the impacts of COVID-19 on their IT priorities and technology expenditures. The pandemic has accelerated trends...
Exactly How Fast is 5G?
The topic about "5G" has been around for a few years now and only recently has the super-fast wireless network become a reality for us to use. Changing the way we live, work and...
5 Priority Technology Upgrades for your Company in 2021
Out-of-date technology doesn't just hold your business back, it exposes your company to cyber security risks and can lead to loss of productivity, efficiency and business...